The GISB electronic delivery mechanism (EDM) standard was developed with the purpose to eliminate expensive Value-added Network charges while retaining reliability and security of transactions over the Internet. It was the first HTTP based Internet EDI standard. Now used not only by the utility industry, but deployed across multiple industries including the automotive and health care industries, it is estimated to be the most widely deployed EDI standard in the United States. 8760 Inc. has been involved with GISB (GISB) since 1995, and originally proposed the enhancements necessary to make the GISB EDM EDIINT AS2 compliant. 8760 Inc. is the only company to receive certification for compliance with the latest version, 1.5, of the GISB EDM.
XML is eXtensible Markup Language which has the ability to transmit structured data between trading partners. For some time now there has been a mad rush for businesses to move to XML based systems. XML, X12, and EDIFACT are merely different representations of data. What is important when you're evaluating an e-commerce solution is that the solution you choose allows you to transport data in any format, that it guarantees your data will be reliably, and securely represented in any data format, and that this will be done in an efficient and cost effective manner. The ultimate transformation of data upon receipt is an equally important feature that shouldn't be overlooked. InsideAgent® addresses all of these issues. It is an e-commerce solution that provides for the reliable, secure transmission of any data in any format, allowing you to take advantage of today’s new technologies, such as XML, while providing for data transformation to and from formats that are compatible with your various backend applications and legacy systems.
The goal of ebXML is to create a global electronic commerce standard that crosses industry and geographical lines. It was established by OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards and UN/CEFACT, the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business . ebXML has been endorsed by the Data Interchange Standards Associations and the Uniform Code Council. 8760 Inc. is a co-author of ebXML's Messaging Service Specification (see or for more information). 8760 Inc., along with Sun Microsystems, were the original authors of ebXML's Packaging Specification which has been incorporated into the Messaging Service Specification. The ebXML Messaging Service Specification takes the best management practices of the GISB EDM Standard, EDIINT AS2, RosettaNet, IETF's Internet Open Trading Protocol, MQSeries by IBM, and CORBA to form a single ebXML messaging specification.
Internet EDI
Until the advent of the Internet, businesses had three choices for exchanging information with each other, telephone, fax and EDI - Electronic Data Interchange. Value-added Networks (VANs) were the primary means for companies to transmit EDI data to each other. EDI ultimately did not capture a large share of the market because VAN based EDI was proprietary, expensive and coercive. These private networks charged set up fees, minimum usage fees and per character charges. In order for companies to get their own trading partners to move to EDI through a VAN they had to threaten their partners with additional fees or loss of business. The Internet and Internet EDI, a.k.a. EDIINT, however, provide an economical alternative to VANs. InsideAgent® provides a means for companies to engage in direct business-to-business e-commerce, bypassing middlemen, VANs and exchange marketplaces. There are no minimum usage fees or per character charges. The elimination of these fees allows companies to lower their transaction costs dramatically, sometimes eliminating monthly VAN bills of approximately $10,000 - $30,000, while improving response time with their trading partners. To see how much your company can save you may want to try out 8760 Inc.'s InsideAgent Payback Calculator.
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has developed the Internet draft standard EDIINT AS2. This draft standard was the convergence of the original EDIINT AS1 standard, the GISB EDM Standard and the Automotive Industry Action Group Standard (the AIAG standard is based on the GISB EDM with extended protocol for additional header elements). The AS1 standard, which is email based, has experienced problems with reliability and security regarding the transmission of viruses and spam. When adopted, AS2 will provide a broader level of interoperability across multiple industries. AS2 is currently being processed through the IETF and is at the Internet Draft standard level. This draft standard is endorsed by the Uniform Code Council, the Global Commerce Initiative, GISB, and multiple state public utility commissions including those of Pennsylvania and New York . 8760 Inc. co-authored the draft standard (other co-authors of this draft specification include Sterling Commerce and CommerceNet). InsideAgent supports the Gas Industry Standards Board's AS2 profile.